Sunday 3 August 2008

Just call me Pigeons for friends!

So i'm sitting outside the Sacks of Potatoes lost in thought when this maingie flea bittten bird sidles up and settles down next to me as if i was lonely and needed some company!. Where did it all go wrong, before they got married/settled down, etc.. i used to have lots of drinking buddies, now i just have Vermin!!


Unknown said...

If that's a picture of the actual pigeon, s/he's looks hurt and was probably seeking out a kind soul for help. Obviously made the wrong choice. Hmm, wonder why you have no friends. BTW, the Rock Dove you call vermin is quite an illustrious bird (see

GrandAnglais said...

Join the club! I think the same pigeon ate the leftovers of my ready salted crisps the other day. I took pity on him and he took pity on me for being a solitary, middle-aged fortysomething just like you.
Made me smile anyway seeing your words. You got good taste in pubs!