Thinking today that i've had a Twitter
account for a few months now (see right if it's still there) and still find it really difficult to form an opinion on. I'll use it one week, go quiet for a month, maybe follow some people the next, Hover over the 'delete account' button and so on. I'm still not completely convinced that it's not just this years internet fad which will eventually be bought up by Murdoch et al and rebranded into something shite marketed at generation X factor (blogs have a similar faddish quality but that's for another post (remember Myspace?). One thing is for certain though (showing my age here) it DOES remind me of my early 80's
CB Radio days. lots of late night static and half heard conversations by people using mysterious
handles nom de plumes, listen to one now and it's all gone quiet.
Is it a blog?, is it glorified texting?, is it cheap (usually one way) advertising?, has it any practical use in the non 'blogosphere' world since the update by text option has gone ? , think i'll just have to wait and see.
PS: if your reading this PLEASE FOLLOW ME :)PPS: I thought camera phones would be a fad so shows what i know