Sunday, 2 November 2008

Och Aye The Swinging Sporran

picture pilfered from Birmingham it's Not Shit
I haven't been in The Swinging Sporran (y' know, formerly The Cabin/B3, on the corner by the Hancock statue) for about Eight years and to be honest i didn't much care for it. I think it was euphamistically called a 'working mens' pub so typically full of the flotsam that's been barred from the other pubs or ejected from the gutter. So Saturday night finds me still knackered after a 5am start but i thought i'd catch a couple of bands before heading home so gave the place another punt. Pleasantly suprised with the refurbishment, the upstairs is still full of 'characters' but what i didn't realise was there's a downstairs function room similar to The Royal George's (boarded up pub by St Martins). About the same size, low ceiling, perfect sized dance floor, cheap bottled beer, very reasonable entrance fee (don't even think of blagging!). It's now home to Rehab promotions who put on some cracking Punk/Metal line ups. Last night featured Northeners T' Kings Of The Delmar and Brums own Obnoxious UK who both put on a good show despite Goldblade poaching all the frickin' punters. Definitely going to be make some more trips there in the future.

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